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Volunteers' Week - a message of thanks from the Management Team

Management Team

Mary-Anne McCafferty - Development Manager on Volunteering

Imagine a place where everyone is welcome, where people come together, a place that strengthens community connection - that’s what Newmains Community & Conference Centre and Cafe represents. It’s a hub where people can learn, grow, socialise, and contribute to their community.

Volunteering at NCT and our Cafe, provides an opportunity to take on a variety of roles and learn a range of new skills. This could be from helping organise events, hosting information stalls, answering the phone, serving food, cleaning tables or even just lending a listening ear to someone. Each role, no matter how small, contributes to the larger aims of community development that NCT strive to achieve. This is why volunteering is so important to us, as we just couldn't do it without our amazing volunteers!

When you volunteer, you not only help the person in front of you, it also set off a ripple effect of kindness and giving. Your actions can inspire others to get involved which then leads to more volunteering in the community.

Our volunteers help shape our community by fostering empathy, strengthening social connection, and a sense of belonging. They take an active role in their community, which makes our chosen place to live and work more a more resilient and positive place to be!

So thank you to all those who give their time to support Newmains Community Trust, we couldn't do it without you all!

Martin - Hospitality Manager on Cafe Volunteering

At the NCT centre, our team of volunteers really are the heartbeat of the community. I've always said it takes a special type of person to dedicate their time and effort to the cause and our volunteers do just that. They're our unsung heroes that selflessly contribute to the growth and foundations of our amazing centre. 

From helping me organise events, to simply lending their listening ears to my problems, we'd be nowhere without them.

So here's to our remarkable volunteers on this volunteering week! Thank you! 

Jane Wood - Operations Manager on Volunteers at NCT

I'd like to take this opportunity on Volunteer Week to thank all our wonderful volunteers for their commitment and dedication to making the NCT Centre what it is today.

From helping out in the Cafe, helping to organise events, tending to our garden, reception and so much more, your willingness to give your time and skills has been instrumental to our centre's success.

Once again ,thank you for your hard work, enthusiasm and dedication.  We look forward to continuing to work together to make the NCT centre and the community of Newmains a healthier and happier place to live and work.



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